
Political discussion is rampant nowadays. " S o-and-so is the Republican nominee; so-and-so has so many delegates; we have to get Obama out of office ", etc. And biggest thing I have been realizing through all of this, is that most Christians are not giving the final results to God. Everywhere I hear, “Obama can’t win! We have to do anything in our power to stop him!” Unfortunately, for most Christians, that means falling in behind whomever is the “nominee” (giving up principle, i.e. "I don’t really like him but he’s not as bad as Obama..."). They are voting because it is the “right thing to do” and we have to do this or else the country is going to fall apart! Seriously? But, I’m getting off track with where I wanted this to go... As I was reading the Bible last week, two passages stood out to me very vividly, and I wanted to share them with you. Psalm 146:3-10 Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help. His spir...