Who Do You Listen To?

Mother hens are violent. I mean, really, have you ever watched them around their chicks? You’re liable to lose a finger if you try to pet one of the chicks. Ours reminded me of Matthew 23:37: O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing! God describes Himself as a mother hen; He wants to nurture us and have us rest under the shadow of His wings. Another thing I notice about our hen and her chicks, is how the chicks responded to the hen. If she called to them, they came running, and if the hen warned them of danger, they were quick to hide under her wings, knowing that they were safe. Do we do that with God? When He calls us, do we immediately run to Him? The chicks would run to the hen even if they were preoccupied with eating some delectable delicacy when she called. When God calls us when we’r...