
Showing posts from April, 2013

Our God Is A Consuming Fire

A couple Sundays ago during communion, I realized a parallel that I had not seen before. During communion, we remember Christ's death on the cross and His blood shed for our sins and His body broken for us. All of this was done out of His extravagant love for us, who became the church. Also known as the Bride of Christ. As I thought about us being the Bride of Christ (and how the Bible describes a wife), this verse struck me:  The wife does not have authority over her own body.... 1 Corinthians 7:4 Now transfer that over to us as the bride of Christ.... Are you seeing what I'm seeing? I've been thinking about/studying/listening lately about how much Christ owns us, or should own us, I should say. He is the only one worthy of our focus. It is one of those topics that as a Christian, you know;  Christ gave His all for us, we owe Him a debt we can never repay, i.e. He wants our life. Yet, that is not the way we live. ...

Crazy Love by Francis Chan

   Crazy Love is one of those books that I've been hearing about since it came out in 2008. I finally decided about two years ago that I probably needed to read it... eventually. After putting it off for a while, I finally bought it in January, putting it on my shelf with other books "to be read as time permits". I started it on Tuesday, and I finished it today. Wow. I wish I had not waited so long to read it. And generally, I don't get very excited about reading man's words, I would much rather encourage someone to spend the time reading the Bible. But this book got me excited. Francis covers many different aspects of the Christian's life, always bringing it back to God; He should be the reason for everything that we do. The book starts with showing who God is. Not who we "think" God is, but who He actually is. That the earth is His story, and He deserves all of the glory. When we realize and accept thi...

What Will Your Eulogy Be?

Today started out as a beautiful day. The weather was gorgeous, and I was well-rested and ready to tackle the day.  Except, I found out 5 minutes after I had awakened that today was one of those days that horse breeders dread. This morning, we found our black Welsh colt, Saint's Knight of the New Dawn , dead in the horse pasture. He hadn't been feeling well for several days, so Mom (especially) and I had kept a close eye on him. We suspected that he had eaten part of an Oleander plant, which is highly poisonous. Yesterday morning as I was taking photos of the ponies, he seemed to be feeling a little better, much to our relief. But now, he's gone. The little colt that I gave a belly-rub to yesterday. The one that used to gum-bite my nose before his teeth came in. The one that used to fall into my lap (literally) so that I would scratch him. The one with the off-set star on his forehead and extremely soft coat. Gone. His conformation was sup...

All My Life's a Song

Once upon a time, there was a little sister that adored her older brothers. She wanted to go everywhere with them, and hung on their every word. One day, one of her brothers was in a rather grouchy/sour mood, and as she casually remarked about a certain woman singer that they didn't like, her brother snapped, "Well, she sings better than you ." You could have heard a pin drop. The little girl gasped at such a comment and became silent as she tried to hold back tears. Her whole world had just been turned upside down. She loved singing. She grew up singing in choir with the same above brother, and could often be found singing merrily through the house. But all that changed in an instant. All because of six words. She never was the same again. And I should know, because that little girl was me. In an instant, all of my fears were manifested. I had always been terrified that I didn't sing well, and people just told me that I did because th...