I've Found It!
I have found it: the best feeling in the world is knowing you are wanted. I don’t think there is anything that gives me more warm, happy fuzzies than that. But let me back up. June 24th-28th, I was teaching at a pre-school CYIA Good News club in Quinlan. On the 2nd to last day of club, I came down with a fever during club. By the time I got home, I piled under 4 blankets and took a nap. Naturally, the sickness made it so that I was not able to make it to the last day of club, which I was very disappointed about. We had an awesome group of 9 or so kids, and I was really looking forward to spending the last day with them. 3, 4 and 5 year old's are so cute, and I had formed a bond with several of the kids. Fast forward to last Tuesday, almost 2 weeks later, and I was finally able to ask the other two girls in my group how the last day of club went. “Oh, it was great. And they all really missed you!” “Yeah, Jaden asked where you were almost as soon as we got into th...