An Anonymous Letter...

A week and a half ago, I received an anonymous letter in the mail with instructions that it was not to be opened until October 19th - my brother's wedding day. Needless to say, my curiosity was at it's peak. Who is it from?! I've always loved the idea of anonymous letters, and I couldn't wait to see what was inside! The morning of the wedding dawned bright and beautiful, and I hastened to open the card. Inside, I discovered something I was not expecting: a love letter. Literally, my heart skipped a beat. Have you ever opened a letter, not knowing who it was from, and read, "Dearest ____, I have loved you with an everlasting love"? My heart went a piter-patter, and rightly so. Because the card was from God. The entire card was verses expressing God's love, concern, and how He cares for me. It was signed "Abba". Love letters have always been something that have intrigued me, but I've never thought of receiving an actual...