
Showing posts from January, 2014

But God and the Way He Loves - A Change of Direction!

Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.” Genesis 22:2 Most of you know that a couple weeks ago my mom and I went up to the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, Missouri, and while I was there God provided a way for me to do Youth With A Missions itimacy2impact Discipleship Training School, which was an answer to my prayer to do missions. [And if you have no idea what I’m talking about, you might want to read the other post here before continuing] Since getting back, I have been working on identification documents needed for traveling overseas, quitting my job, getting my application paperwork in order (including references), and mentally preparing myself to leave for a minimum of 3 months. In addition to the above, my family and I have also researched YWAM and their beliefs, and discussed among ourselves what to do when confronted wi...

But God and the Way He Loves - A New Adventure!

Let me begin by saying this: that if God had let me live in the muddy mire for all of my life, and then sent me to hell for my sins, God would have been perfectly righteous and just to do so. I do not deserve anything. But God and the way He loves. It all began with a phone call last Monday afternoon. “Do you want to go to the International House of Prayer on Thursday?” The International House of Prayer (IHOP) is located in Kansas City, Missouri, and they facilitate 24/7 praise and prayer, which they have been doing for 14 years. My friend and her mom were going up to Kansas City because my friend was going to be in Youth With A Mission’s Intimacy 2 Impact Discipleship Training School for 3 months, which happens to be about a mile down the road from IHOP. The call was a direct answer to my mom’s prayer that she had prayed the day before the call - that she could see how IHOP facilitates prayer so that she could organize a 48 hour prayer where we live. I didn...

And So It Ends, And A New Dawn Begins...

2013 was a hard year. A really hard year. My emotions felt like they were on an emotional roller-coaster as I learned to navigate never traversed waters. As soon as I would "learn" something new, God would throw a curve-ball at me to make sure I was staying focused on Him and not in my own ability. I definitely needed those curve-balls! My birth-certificate - after more than a year of figuring out what was needed, I now officially exist! This year has seen many family get-togethers, chaperoning, dancing, heartaches, laughing, crying my eyes out late at night (and not so late at night), new and old friends, learning new things, teaching kids, my first break-down due to stress ( not something I would suggest….), music with siblings, learning from kids, a new sister (and new brothers!), God’s love, ultimate volleyball games, a new job, a course change in our life, new ministry opportunities, and many other thing too numerous to count! Toe shoes unite! Raf...