A Thought About Singleness and Adults

“ Have you met your Prince Charming yet ?” I hate to admit it, but I find those comments highly amusing. I have always found it funny as I have listened to single young ladies tell about how everyone is always asking if they have “ found the one ” and the different ways people find to bring up the subject and “subtly” ask the question. And to be honest, I was looking forward to the time when I would be asked that (on a regular basis), just because it amuses me so much. Well, it has finally happened. Over the last year or so, now that people know that both of my brothers are taken/married, and I’m “ the last one ”, I have had a record breaking amount of people ask me where my “ Sweetheart ” is (to quote one dear lady). Generally, I always go with the nod-your-head-and-smile-while-trying-not-to-pop-their-bubble-about relationships-too-much approach. You know, the one where you try to tell them that you don’t want a boyfriend, but at the same time not give th...