
Showing posts from 2015

Your Love Is Like A Waterfall....

Last month while I was at the YWAM Refresh Retreat in Kansas City, Mo, one of the speakers told us to ask God to show us what our hearts looked like towards Him. Well, I missed that part, because earlier the leader of the session had also told us to ask God for a picture, or word, or something, so I did that, and God showed me a waterfall. Now, when I first did my DTS, a waterfall was what God showed me as to what He and His love is like. So God showed me this waterfall (He and His love) and it was so peaceful and beautiful. It was in a tropical forest with light streaming through the trees, and bright flowers. And so whenever God shows/tells you something, you ask Him what it means, so I did. And God asked me how I responded when I saw the picture. Well, when I first saw the picture I was like, “Oh, its so beautiful!” But instead of my normal reaction of “I see water; I want to jump into it!” My reaction was more like, “Eh, not right now.” And God told me that the sam...

The Real Problem With The Josh Duggar Incident

Lately my news feed has been bombarded with the news of Josh Duggar's past sins as everyone throws their two cents into the discussion. And normally I wouldn't join into such a discussion, but there was something that bothered me tremendously as I read. And it wasn't Josh Duggar. On one side of the discussion are those who are saying to forgive Josh, which is great (especially since we don't have a right to be throwing stones). What bothered me was the other group of people that are popping out of the woodwork. I've been reading comments from these other young adults who were raised in a "Christian" home-school home, went to church, sang in the choir, but then went to college and became atheists, among other things. You could hear the hate, anger and bitterness in every word they wrote. It was almost as if they were enjoying hearing about a believer's past sin so that they could say, "Aha! And that is why I left the church! Because there we...

A Taste of India

Namaste! Hello! I am so sorry for not posting this sooner! Since getting back I have had a million different things going on/needing to happen, plus trying to get used to the swing of things again has been fun and kept me on my toes! But, I am still very sorry for not sharing this out in a more timely manner. One of the little girls I am so blessed by everything that happened during my trip to India, and I am so incredibly thankful for your prayers and support! Looking back on the trip, it is so amazing to see God’s hand on everything from the first day I arrived in Kansas City at the YWAM base, to the last day, and just how good God was to me! God always provided what I needed when I needed it through you all or others, and I am so blessed by His goodness! During debrief in KC after outreach we had a time of all the different groups sharing stories and experiences that happened to them during outreach, and they were amazing to hear! While we were on out...