My Life Verse

This was written March 21st, 2010

My life verse is Colossians 3:17, And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. This verse has always been very special because it shows us how to live daily. We are to do everything for God, and not for our own special gain, or the approval of others. We are supposed to do everything as if Jesus was standing there with us (which He is), and the end result should be for Him only. It is really a life verse, because it can be used all the time, not just certain occasions.

There are far too many ways to show how God has used this verse in my life, it is in use even as I write this. I have a choice to just write a few sentences, maybe a paragraph, just barely passing the requirement, or write a well written paper that shows I actually put time into the subject. The latter of course will take more time, but the end result is so much better. Everything I do has two different ways I can go: I can either do things cheerfully, no matter what the chore, or do things begrudgingly, which not only has a negative effect on myself but also on others even if I do not realize it. We do not always realize how our attitude effects people, but it is amazing what one happy person can do when they enter the room. Its like sun beaming into darkness. Likewise, a negative, grumpy person walks into the room and the atmosphere also changes, but not for the better. When someone walks into a room with a grumpy attitude everyone immediately becomes edgy and irritable because the grumpy person's attitude is rubbing off onto them. When a cheerful person walks in the room their attitude also rubs off onto people, but in a good way. They are able to make newcomers, or someone shy feel welcome, and they are able to make even grumpy people happy. This is why we need to act and do everything as if God was there. Not only does it make Him happy to see His children cheerful, but it also rubs off onto others and spreads the joy.

There are also many times when I fail at keeping this verse. Sometimes as many times as I do it correctly, I will do it incorrectly. A lot of times I will look back over activities I have done and I will see an unpleasant attitude, or a comment, or a remark that I wish I had not made because it was rude and did not help at all. I can't go back and change what I said or how I acted, no matter how much I would like to. The only thing I can do is start anew with a cheerful attitude, asking God to make what comes out of my mouth pleasant and to teach me to hold my tongue if I do not have something nice to say.

There are always decisions to be made to do right or wrong everyday. Should I watch this movie? Read this book? Listen to that radio station? We have a choice to live completely for God, or to give-in to the world's standard. We will never be able to keep Gods standard, it is humanly impossible. But, with God's help, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." Phil 4:13
