Do You Remember?

Do you remember: Lego wars and dirt tunnels, Sand fights and sword battles? The tire swing and trampoline, Freeze tag and laughing? The Four Musketeers, were we. Do you remember: Golden rays cascading upon blue eyes, waiting? Laughing and running, Blissful innocence? Swinging and swimming, Blue waters shimmer, And underneath, the dreaded pool monster? Three girls growing and learning; Sisters by bond. Do you remember: Singing in choir, side by side, The time you forgot to ask your mom if I could come over, And I arrived, sleeping bag in tow? The flower you taught me to draw, And the games of tag played? Friends, were we. Do you remember: Saddles creaking, sweat falling, Dirt billowing? Bursts of speed, chomping bits, Bugs in eyes, star filled nights? Spurs clinking, heavy accents, Dreams awakened and shared? Shy smiles, ill-behaved horses, Tall hats and proudly worn belt buckles? Horse trainers, were we. Do you remember: Nervous giddiness, all in a...