Do You Remember?

Do you remember:
Lego wars and dirt tunnels,
Sand fights and sword battles?
The tire swing and trampoline,
Freeze tag and laughing?
The Four Musketeers, were we.
Do you remember:
Golden rays cascading upon blue eyes, waiting?
Laughing and running,
Blissful innocence?
Swinging and swimming,
Blue waters shimmer,
And underneath, the dreaded pool monster?
Three girls growing and learning;
Sisters by bond.
Do you remember:
Singing in choir, side by side,
The time you forgot to ask your mom if I could come over,
And I arrived, sleeping bag in tow?
The flower you taught me to draw,
And the games of tag played?
Friends, were we.
Do you remember:
Saddles creaking, sweat falling,
Dirt billowing?
Bursts of speed, chomping bits,
Bugs in eyes, star filled nights?
Spurs clinking, heavy accents,
Dreams awakened and shared?
Shy smiles, ill-behaved horses,
Tall hats and proudly worn belt buckles?
Horse trainers, were we.
Do you remember:
Nervous giddiness, all in a circle,
Uncertain of what comes next?
Some naturals; I watched in awe -
Others learning.
A note here, a step there,
A face turned thusly;
The chemistry of a play.
I watched you and learned;
Memories ne’er to be forgot.
Actors, singers, and dancers:
Sharing a message of hope.
Do you remember:
Our long talks about life?
Good friends were we;
Then all at once we were no more.
Your eyes are dark now,
Your face cold, uncaring.
I pass you by, unnoticed.
I sigh; forgotten memories.
Do you remember:
My uncertainty at class?
My inadequacy to express myself,
Through ink and page?
Your patience and encouragement,
That sparked a fire, ne’er to be quenched.
Teacher and student were we.
Do you remember:
The first day we met? I do.
The event, what was said,
Your face as you smiled.
I watch you now and grin,
Grateful for that divine appointment.
Do you remember?
Because I do.
The smiles, the tears,
The laughs, the pain -
All of you (and those too numerous to mention),
Have changed my life.
All the joys and trials,
The memories ne’er to be forgot.
Some of you I see weekly,
And I remember how blessed I am to know you.
Others I fear I will never see again,
And regret words left unsaid.
Thank you for the memories,
And the times we had together;
I will cherish them for always.
