I Don't Want To!

Let us search out and examine our ways, and turn back to the Lord. Lamentations 3:40 Back in August, one of my friends was trying to explain to some of my other friends why I am quiet sometimes, and he described me in a way I hadn't thought of, and seemed out of place. He said I was “ independent” . Well, I’m afraid to inform you, but the first thought that came to mind after hearing that was, I am not! His comment bothered me for a while after that. I wrote in my journal the next week after thinking more about it, “ I hope that the independence that I have is the freedom in Christ type. Where I am only following what God says, therefore I’m viewed as independent because I’m not following the crowd. Something to think about.... ” Unfortunately, after thinking more about it (9 months is quite a while), I am afraid I have come to the conclusion that that is not the main type of independence I have. I do have freedom in Christ, and I have been raised to not fear s...