But God and the Way He Loves - A Change of Direction!

Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.”
Genesis 22:2

Most of you know that a couple weeks ago my mom and I went up to the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, Missouri, and while I was there God provided a way for me to do Youth With A Missions itimacy2impact Discipleship Training School, which was an answer to my prayer to do missions. [And if you have no idea what I’m talking about, you might want to read the other post here before continuing]

Since getting back, I have been working on identification documents needed for traveling overseas, quitting my job, getting my application paperwork in order (including references), and mentally preparing myself to leave for a minimum of 3 months.

In addition to the above, my family and I have also researched YWAM and their beliefs, and discussed among ourselves what to do when confronted with un-scriptural teachings (that can be found in any organization), and other topics that relate to such things.

I was all set to go, as I was certain these discussions wouldn’t bar me from attending YWAM After all, God had orchestrated it; I was obviously supposed to go!

On Saturday we had one last family member that we needed to meet with that wanted to discuss YWAM and what God had put on her heart regarding it. She was the last person we were waiting on to hear what she had to say before I sent in my application to YWAM. I had also asked God that during this meeting, if He could either give my mom peace about me going, or (shudder the thought), would make it obviously clear through the meeting that I wasn’t supposed to go (which seemed highly unlikely).

We met at the Greenville sports park, and her, mom, and I talked for about 2 ½ hours about YWAM, and also other spiritual truths. Her discussion still did not persuade me not to do it, and about 2/3rds the way through it, I still knew I was going to do YWAM.

And then God showed me something. He showed me Abraham sacrificing Isaac on the alter.

I’m reading through Genesis right now, and as I read through the parts talking about God’s promise to Abraham about Isaac, God had impressed on me how Isaac wasn’t Abraham’s. At all. There wasn’t anything that Abraham did/didn’t do that could have made Isaac be born any sooner. The entire story of Abraham and Isaac is simply about how God gave him something, something that Abraham really wanted, and then asked Abraham to give it back to Him to see if Abraham still trusted God [to use everything for his good].

And God wanted me to do the same thing.

Going to YWAM had nothing to do with me, and there is no way I could have orchestrated it all in the first place, from the spur-of-the-moment invitation to go to Kansas City in the first place, to meeting Jaipaul on the last day we were going to be there, to my dad agreeing to pay for the training school. It was what I desired and what I had been praying about (a way to do missions overseas), and God had granted it.

I’ve been on cloud nine the last two weeks as I’ve been getting everything in order, and then the question.

Will you give YWAM to Me the same way Abraham gave Isaac up?

And I had a choice to make.

I could ignore what God had asked me; after all, I was the only one that heard His voice ask that question. Knowing that God will use everything for my good, I could still go to YWAM (like myself and everyone was expecting me to), and I was sure I’d have a fantastic time learning more about Him, as well as networking with other believers from around the globe and by being able to go on a 3 month long mission trip.

Or I could listen to Him, and give it back to Him. Really, I had taken it out of His hands as soon as God provided YWAM by my knowing exactly what I was going to be doing for the next several months. There was suspense of not knowing what was going to happen; if I gave it back to Him, would He give it back to me, the same way God has provided a ram in-place of Isaac? Or would He provide another outlet for missions? Or, would I stay home for another year, two years? So many what ifs and unknowns.

And it all boiled down to one question:

Did I trust Him?

Really trust Him?

There comes a point where you have to go from saying that you trust Him, to acting like you trust Him. And it’s a scary place to be, not having any control of your life.

Do I trust Him?

When I was little and we didn’t have any food or money, I trusted Him. I knew He would always provide what we needed, whether it be from a check in the mail, or an anonymous laundry basket full of food on our doorstep; we always had food to eat, clothes to wear, and a house to live in. I had no doubt in my mind that God would provide what we needed, and He always did.

But do I still trust Him? Now that I’m “older”, do I still believe what He has to say, enough to drop everything and wait?

Looking at the way I have seen God work in my life, I can’t see how I can’t trust Him.

All this flashed through my mind in a matter of moments, as I pondered on the question while sitting with our friend and my mom under the pavilion. The more my mom and our friend visited, the more I was certain that I needed to give up YWAM, as uncomfortable as that would be.

So I did/have.

I am not going to YWAM in February.

And I honestly have no idea what is going to happen next.

My job ends after Valentines Day and I’m in the process of getting my social security so that I can get my Passport.

Was this a test? Or was it simply something to get me jump-started for missions? I don’t know, but God knows, and like our friend said, whatever God does have planned, will be even better than we can imagine.

So, I’m excited! A little unsure, but excited! And I have peace about not doing YWAM; it’s honestly probably the oddest situation God has ever put me in, I think. :-) 

But God and the way He loves!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6


  1. Wow Sara! That's an amazing account. Thank you for sharing your sacrifice and the lessons you've learned from it.

    On Wednesday night I came home from our church activities, discouraged, because I was wanting to be in with the older kiddos, instead of being with the younger ones. But, God showed me something amazing: back after we first moved here, I felt God pushing me to spend more time with a younger girl who had just gotten baptized, and as I looked for opportunities to disciple her, they didn't seem to be happening. Well, since the new semester has begun, I have had her in my small group 3-4 weeks, and have had the chance to speak Truth into her life! God made it clear to me that my prayers had been answered.

    Sometimes we don't know why He asks us to do something, or not do something, but His ways are perfect, and all His paths are peace. And maybe just maybe, He'll show you the 'why' behind the lesson.

    Love you!

    1. Thank you for sharing that, Abby! I find it so amazing how God always does use things for our good; His plans are so complex and amazing!

      And thank you so much for your words of encouragement! It was very humbling to share all of this to everyone, but it was definitely what I needed. :)

      Love you, too!

    2. I'm sure that it was tough. But, I am glad that you shared it, nonetheless. :)


  2. Hello Sara. Hope it is not too late to wish you a very blessed, bright, spiritfilled and Christ centered New year. I am so blessed to know you through your profile on the blogger and also it was another blessing to stop by your blog "For Ever For His Glory" and the post on it "But God and The Way He Loves- A Change of Direction". Amazing story of how God changed direction in your life. I am blessed to read it. This story shows how sincere you are in following God's direction in your life. Looking at your profile as you have said "Desirous of following God's calling wherer ever He leads. As you are sensitive to the Lord's leading and it is just at the time when the Lord has changed your direction and have three months at your disposal as well as ,as your passport documents are ready, I just feel that I should share with you the opportunity you can have of coming to Mumbai, India to work with us in the slums of Mumbai among poorest of poor people to share the good news of Jesus Christ and give them new hope, life and future. I am in the Pastoral ministry for last 34yrs in this great city of Mumbai a city with great contrast where richest of rich and the poorest of poor live. We reachout to the poorest of poor with the love of Christ to bring healing to the broken hearted. We also encourage young people as well as adults from the West to come to Mumbai on a short / long term missions trip to work with us during their summer vacation or any other time that suits to them. We would love to have you come with your friends to work with us in the slums of Mumbai among poorest of poor. We have ministry to the kids in the slums( Nutrition program and Kindergarten). We have ministry to the women in the slums. Beside working iwth us in the slums you can work with our youth group as well as lead worship service in English Worship services. It is not a coinsident but probably God opening the other door where you can do missions for three monhts with us. You can stay with us. I am sure you will have a life changing expereience. Looking forward to hear from you very soon. My email id is: dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is Diwakar Wankhede. God's richest blessing on you and I am praying for you as you again wait up on the Lord for His direction.


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